Loose Gutters

Loose Gutters in Charleston, SC

Gutters are an important aspect of your home that often goes unnoticed until there is a problem. They have the responsibility of distributing large amounts of water that come from the roof to the ground. If they are free of debris or undamaged, gutters should have no problem moving water safely and efficiently away from your home. However, if there are problems, your home could be at risk for major water damages. Gutters that are clogged with leaves or damaged from falling debris are two of the most common problems we see, however, loose gutters can also cause many damages.

Signs of Loose Gutters

  • Sagging Gutters: If you look up at your gutters and notice them sagging or pulling away from your house, it can be from loose gutters. Sagging gutters can pool water more easily causing flooding and more damage to the gutters.
  • Loose Nails: If you are mowing the lawn or parking in the driveway and find random long nails, these could be from your gutters. These are not only dangerous for children or to drive over but can mean your gutters may become loose soon.  
  • Leaking Water: During the next rainstorm, if you notice water leaking from the middle of the gutter rather than going down the spout, a loose gutter may be to blame.
Gutter Repair, Charleston, SC

Risks of Loose Gutters

If you notice a loose gutter on your home, contact our team for gutter repair as soon as possible. Loose gutters can blow in the wind and cause damages to your home’s siding or even windows. We do not recommend attempting to fix the gutters on your own, as climbing up the ladder can be dangerous. Call today for more information and a free estimate.
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